Monday, January 12, 2009

Donizetti isn't that easy

I find that learning a new composer is not as easy as it sounds. I have sung in Italian many times, but Donizetti doesn't use the same phrasing as Verdi or Puccini so it feels almost like a different language. Therefore, my memorization of The Elixir of Love is not going all that great. We have music rehearsal tonight and I plan on recording everything on my MP3 player so I can replay it all week. I always find that group rehearsals help me a lot more than studying alone or even with a vocal coach because other people can find problem areas that I might not be seeing. Sometimes the language dictates how the music is sung and we change phrasing to make it flow better; this is something that we discover in rehearsal that might not be found in private practise. I don't think anyone in this chorus is fluent in Italian, though many have been to Italy and have studied the language. It is great to be able to ask "is that a 'j' sound or a 'g' sound?" when faced with 'giu' or 'giorno'. We always strive to be accurate with the language in order to keep the integrity of the music.
For now; buongiorno.

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