Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Opera by flashlight

Opera Grand Rapids has started the staging rehearsals for Pagliacci at an empty old storefront that we have christened Franks Rehearsal Hall and Crafts. We have used Franks a couple of times in the past, the last time being during a blizzard three years ago when only one heater was working in the entire space. Last nights rehearsal added to the lore of Franks when the power to all businesses (and traffic lights) went out on 28th street at Breton. We were scheduled to work through the big scene at the beginning of the opera which involves the adult chorus, kids chorus, principals and extras (aka supers). Instead of staging in the dark, we used a couple book lights and flashlights to go over music for an hour before determining that the power was not going to come on in time for us to get any work done. Maestro Lyall has asked that we extend tonight’s rehearsal an extra half hour to make up for some of the time lost. We only have use of this space through Friday night and there is an entire opera to stage by then so we need all the time we can beg, borrow, or steal.

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